Lim Ah Pin Road Post Office


Lim Ah Pin Road Post Office - 1 Lim Ah Pin Road, Singapore 547809
1 Lim Ah Pin Road, Singapore 547809
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Surrounded by a sea of modern architecture which includes gigantic glass-fronted residences and a petrol station, the quaint post office branch at Lim Ah Ping Road is an oasis of 60’s modernism; its exposed red brick walls and blue awning witnessing the passage of time.


The Lim Ah Pin Road Post Office was officially opened in 1968 to serve the residents of the neighbourhood, and remains in use till today.


The post office was designed during an era of industrial progress to symbolise the modern architectural style of the time. Such intent can be observed by even the casual observer. A flat and rectangular roof gives the structure its characteristic box-like appearance, while the absence of decorative features (such as ledges and edge framing) reflect the cost-saving and efficient post-war modernistic ideals of the 1960s.


Functionality was also a key consideration in its design. With two storeys, the ground floor could be used as a postal office to serve the public, while the upper floor afforded the post master with some privacy. In contrast to the large show-case windows that adorn the lower floor, the upper floor is hidden behind a wall of ventilating blocks. A switchback staircase built-in at the back of the building connects the two levels.


In recent years, new accessibility features such as ramps, handrails and signage were added to make the building more user-friendly. 

Buildings and sites featured on Roots.SG are part of our efforts to raise awareness of our heritage; a listing on Roots.SG does not imply any form of preservation or conservation status, unless it is mentioned in the article. The information in this article is valid as of September 2019 and is not intended to be an exhaustive history of the site/building.