Sin Heng San Teng Tua Pek Kong


Sin Heng San Teng is a cemetery previously owned by Hokkien Huay Kwan. The temple not only serves as a place of worship but is often visited by local explorers who seek to discover the history and heritage of the area.
Next to Pan Island Expressway (PIE), near Kheam Hock Road
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Sin Heng San Teng Tua Pek Kong is a temple built for Sin Heng San Teng, a cemetery that was previously owned by Hokkien Huay Kuan.

Located next to the PIE near Kheam Hock Road, the temple is largely concealed by the forest. It sits atop a hill and is only accessible by foot.

Origins and beginnings

According to engravings on the temple’s oldest incense burner, Sin Heng San Teng Tua Pek Kong’s history can be traced back to 1893. Tablets discovered further indicate that the present-day Sin Heng San Teng Tua Pek Kong was built in the 1950s, and rebuilt sometime between the 1950s and 1969.

The temple’s design is based on the Chinese Vernacular Temple of South China and the main deity of the temple is Tua Pek Kong.

Restoration efforts by volunteers

Sin Heng San Teng’s latest restoration efforts date back to 2012, when a group of volunteers replaced the temple’s roof, cleared some undergrowth, and restored the dragon painting at the back wall of the temple. It is believed that some of these volunteers used to live in a kampong close to the temple in the 1960s.

At the time of writing, the dragon painting remains on the back wall of the temple with the Tua Pek Kong statue sitting in front of it.

Buildings and sites featured on Roots.SG are part of our efforts to raise awareness of our heritage; a listing on Roots.SG does not imply any form of preservation or conservation status, unless it is mentioned in the article. The information in this article is valid as of June 2021 and is not intended to be an exhaustive history of the site/building.